Comments on: DeSantis doesn’t want gov in schools Libtard Happy Hour Tue, 14 Mar 2023 01:06:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jonas Mon, 13 Mar 2023 09:09:27 +0000 Here’s the thing. This outfit and it is an outfit and not a singular actor (DeSantis) is/are attempting to deny ALL agency over the developing human brain or even call it the mind. He has and the attendant actors and also factors in his orbit have decided upon a power play of sorts that originates deep down in the shared psyche of the tantalizingly seductive proscripts of “conservative” thought that they can remake an ever changing world stay in place while they simultaneously steamroll all origins of that same place’s history. In other words, childish. They have set their marker in their own mindspaces coupled with their hateful ambitions due to some form of capitalistic psychological abuse on the innocent original soul which naturally has no concept of such. They will do so, but ultimately will fail, to obliterate history. Paradoxically, they are creating yet another chapter in which they seek to eliminate which will be learned of in the future.
